
news/2024/7/3 14:33:14 标签: 代码空间, LLVM, 编译器


LLVM代码空间优化(一) 编译器自带的优化选项

英文原版的-Wl,–gc-sections解释说明如下: Compilation options
The operation of eliminating the unused code and data from the final executable is directly performed by the linker.
In order to do this, it has to work with objects compiled with the following options: -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections.
These options are usable with C and Ada files. They will place respectively each function or data in a separate section in the resulting object file.
Once the objects and static libraries are created with these options, the linker can perform the dead code elimination. You can do this by setting the -Wl,–gc-sections option to gcc command or in the -largs section of gnatmake. This will perform a garbage collection of code and data never referenced.
If the linker performs a partial link (-r linker option), then you will need to provide the entry point using the -e / --entry linker option.
Note that objects compiled without the -ffunction-sections and -fdata-sections options can still be linked with the executable. However, no dead code elimination will be performed on those objects (they will be linked as is).

The GNAT static library is now compiled with -ffunction-sections and -fdata-sections on some platforms. This allows you to eliminate the unused code and data of the GNAT library from your executable.


  • 在编译C、Ada源文件(C++也可以),在gcc/g++编译选项中增加-ffunction-sections、-fdata-sections,在编译生成的.o目标文件中,会将每个函数或数据段,放在各种单独独立的section中;
  • 在链接生成最终可执行文件时,如果带有-Wl,–gc-sections参数,并且之前编译目标文件时带有-ffunction-sections、-fdata-sections参数,则链接器ld不会链接未使用的函数,从而减小可执行文件大小;
  • 如果使用了-r的链接参数,来产生重定位的输出,需要显示的调用-e参数来指定程序入口。否则-Wl,–gc-sections不会生效。

使用方式:需要在编译的时候,加入CFLAG += -ffunction-sections, -fdata-sections 选项,在链接的时候,加入LDFLAG += --gc-sections选项





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